3,000 signatures on our petition for plain English

April 23, 2015

Please – no more jargon, small print or gobbledygook!

Thanks to your help, we are delighted to report that we now have 3,000 signatures on our petition. That means we are well over halfway to achieving our goal of 5,000 signatures.

As you know, we plan to use the signatures to ask the Taoiseach to ensure that all public information is written in plain English. So no more small print, jargon or gobbledygook!

But we need 2,000 more signatures.

Please would you help us get one more signature this week? 

Could you email one friend and ask them to support our campaign? It would massively increase the number of signatures. This in turn would help us present a stronger case for plain English to our Government.

Thanks again, we really appreciate your support.

The National Adult Literacy Agency

You can sign our petition here or copy and paste this link into your browser: https://www.change.org/p/taoiseach-enda-kenny-td-please-ensure-all-public-information-is-written-in-plain-english

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