Learn with NALA
We know that sometimes it can be hard to find the time to do a course. That’s the great thing about Learn with NALA. You can study online by yourself or work with a tutor over the phone. Or, you can do a combination of these to suit your lifestyle. We design learning around you, your needs and your skills. That is why our service works.
- Maybe you want to learn how to use computers?
- Perhaps you want to get better at maths to help your children with their homework?
- Or maybe you want to improve your spelling to write a CV?
Whatever the reason, the benefits are always the same. Not only will you improve your old skills but you will also gain the confidence to learn new ones.

Everything is free.
You decide how, where and what you want to learn.

Learn with a tutor on the phone
We can work with you over the telephone, through the post or on the internet.
- Everything is free.
- You decide what to study. There is no set course.
- We call when it suits you – you just tell us when. There is no class schedule.
- Normally we make one call per week for up to 30 minutes.
- We keep working with you until you meet your goals.
- 7 days a week, early morning to late evening.
Call us for free on 1 800 20 20 80 to find out more.
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Learn with NALA online
We have a range of courses from reading, writing and maths to career preparation and computer skills.
Our courses are useful if you want to brush-up on what you learnt at school, help kids with homework, do your job better or get a qualification for what you already know.
You can learn at a pace that suits you and if you want you can get a national Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) qualification.
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Professional Development courses
Are you working in Further Education and Training or in a job where you may come into contact with adults with unmet literacy needs?
Add to your knowledge and skills by registering for one of our free online courses on Learn with NALA today.
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