Literacy friendly in action – Free training for the Community and Voluntary sector

May 29, 2024

Webinars for the community and voluntary sector. Literacy friendly in action. Cooking up courage - 23 May. Creating the space for confidence building - 20 June. Register at

Join NALA for a range of free webinars and online training for the Community and Voluntary sector in 2024. All events and training will be online.

Spring webinars – Introduction to literacy

Summer spotlight – Literacy friendly in action

Winter series – Literacy opens doors

Anytime – Online literacy awareness Professional Development courses

Literacy in Ireland

In Ireland, over 500,000 adults struggle with reading and understanding information and using everyday maths*. This means they may find it difficult to: 

  • fill in a form;
  • divide or add up a bill; or  
  • help kids with homework.  

Community and voluntary organisations provide essential support and services to communities across Ireland. You are in a unique position to champion literacy and be a support to those who are nervous or embarrassed to ask for help.  

Free webinars and training

These events will help you better understand the issues, hear from colleagues about being literacy friendly, and get tips you can bring back to your organisation.

Introduction to literacy – Webinar

This webinar is a one-hour introduction to literacy, numeracy and digital literacy in Ireland.

Introduction to literacy – Thursday 25 April, 10am to 11am – This webinar is now complete and a recording will be available shortly.

Summer spotlight – Literacy friendly in action

Community and voluntary organisations will share their experience and tips for being more literacy friendly in these two training webinars.

Literacy friendly in action: Cooking up courage – Thursday 23 May, 10am – 11am – This webinar is now complete and a recording will be available shortly.

Literacy friendly in action: Creating the space for confidence building – Thursday 20 June, 10am – 11am

Winter series – Literacy opens doors

October and November 

This is a four-part series of webinars exploring different aspects of literacy from financial literacy to literacy for political action.

The series will take place over the last week in October and first three weeks of November.

More information is coming soon.

You can watch the webinars from last year’s series on our Youtube channel.

Online literacy awareness Professional Development courses

You can sign up to different professional development courses for free on our Learn on with NALA website anytime. These include:

The courses will take about 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete. You will get a NALA Professional Development Certificate on completion of the course.

*Central Statistics Office 2012


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