Adult literacy learners – Would you like to join the Board of your local Education and Training Board?

June 14, 2024

Image showing a round glass table with executive chairs in use for meetings in the office

Are you an adult literacy learner or do you know an adult literacy learner that might like to join their local Education and Training Board (ETB) to inform the ETB’s work?

If so, please read the information below and get in touch us by 10 July 2024.

Why are we looking for adult literacy learners?

Norma Foley, TD and Minister for Education, has asked the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) to nominate (put forward) people to the Boards of the 16 Education and Training Boards (ETB). There are ten other organisations that can make nominations and the ETBs will make the final selection.

NALA must nominate one male and one female candidate for the ETB to consider the nomination.

What is involved in being on an ETB Board?

If you are selected, you will 

  • be on the Board for five years.
  • attend up to 7 Board meetings each year, beginning after 7 August 2024.
  • need to read material and prepare for each Board meeting.
  • be a volunteer (this is not a paid position).
  • receive training and travel expenses from the ETB.


How do I apply?

First, you should read the information below to see if you can apply.   
For NALA to nominate you must:  

  • Be over 18 years of age. 
  • Live within the relevant ETB area. 
  • Be a current or past adult literacy learner. 
  • Be involved or experienced in raising issues, especially around education.  
  • Not be:  
  • the Chief Executive of an ETB, or a staff member of the ETB employed in certain roles set out in Education and Training Boards Act 2013 (Section 32) Order 2019. 
  • related to any of the ETB staff mentioned in the point above. 
  • related to any other ETB Board member. 


If I can apply, what should I do next? 

For more information or to apply, please:

  • ring us on our Freephone number 1 800 20 20 65

Margaret Murray, NALA’s Literacy Student and Development Officer, will get back in touch with you. 

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