Today is International Literacy Day!

September 8, 2024

Today, 8 September, marks International Literacy Day!

Since 1967, International Literacy Day (ILD) celebrations have taken place annually around the world to remind the public of the importance of literacy as a human right.

The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) theme for this year ‘“Promoting multilingual education: Literacy for mutual understanding and peace. Find out more about International Literacy Day and how it is celebrated internationally

The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) has lots of ways of how you can mark this day. Today we are publishing our general election asks for adult literacy. We also share testimonials from learners about the benefits of returning to education, you can sign up to an upcoming plain English webinar and we have two exciting upcoming events for adult literacy student. Find out more below.

Thank you again for your ongoing support.

Read our general election asks for adult literacy

The next general election is coming soon, and we have seven key asks for political parties. These asks cover plain language, literacy programmes and literacy policy.

Read our asks

Can you help us spread the word?

Lots of people struggle with spelling, maths or technology, but there are free ways to improve these skills. You can learn with your local Education and Training Board centre, or Learn with NALA online or over the phone.

If you, a friend or family member could benefit you can Freephone 1 800 20 2065.

Find out more about free courses

Improve your plain English skills

Want to make your organisation more accessible to people with unmet literacy needs?

To mark International Literacy Day why not register for our free plain English webinar series.

We will discuss prioritising plain English and designing forms, creating leaflets and writing for the web. Plain English gives people information they understand and enables them to make informed choices.

Find out more and register

Upcoming events for adult literacy learners

The importance of your vote

Saturday 28 September
Hotel Riu Plaza, The Gresham, Dublin 1

Are you an adult literacy student interested in finding out more about how to vote and politics in Ireland? This is a free event for students who are currently improving their reading, writing, maths, or digital skills.

Find out more and register

Adult Literacy Learner Day

Wednesday 16 October
Ashling Hotel, Dublin 8

At our Adult Literacy Learner day you will meet other learners, hear student speakers, and go to a workshops and attend lunch. On the day you can chose from a range of workshops including using technology, wellbeing, creative writing and digital literacy.

Find out more and register

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