Market soundings exercise for new eLearning platform for NALA

July 18, 2018

NALA wishes to undertake a market sounding exercise to ascertain the nature and capabilities of existing and potential elearning platform providers and trends in elearning. It is envisaged that feedback gained from this exercise will feed into the development of a procurement strategy, and may lead to one or more procurements.

In order for NALA to gain the necessary information from the marketplace, we request that interested parties provide information on the following areas:

  • Current trends and future developments in elearning that best fit NALA’s needs and requirements as outlined in Appendix A.
  • Experience in designing an interface that incorporates the best of universal design approaches and supports users with low levels of literacy.
  • The opportunity to contribute criteria not previously considered.
  • The experiences of providers in achieving a streamlined approach in migrating content from an existing platform to a new platform.

This information can be provided using the questionnaire in Appendix B and also reinforced at a subsequent meeting with NALA where appropriate.

Please note that this market sounding exercise is not an invitation to tender. NALA as the contracting authority is issuing this request for information only in order to assess the marketplace. The publication of this market soundings exercise does not commit NALA to any particular procurement process. This information gathering exercise does not formally begin a procurement process and taking part in this exercise will not place you in a more favourable position at the tender stage of this or any other project.

Any competitive process will be advertised via the Irish government’s procurement portal and the Official Journal of the European Union website, where relevant and applicable.

The market sounding process – how to apply
Interested parties are invited to submit the completed questionnaire in Appendix B (page 19) on or before 5pm Wednesday 25 July 2018 using the postbox facility on eTenders. All documentation must be uploaded in accordance with the instructions on eTenders prior to the deadline. Please allow sufficient time to upload documents prior to the deadline as it is not possible to upload material after the given deadline.
All queries regarding the market sounding process can be sent via the messaging facility on eTenders. All responses to questions will also be sent via the messaging facility on eTenders. The closing date for receipt of queries is 5pm Friday 20 July 2018.
Following submissions NALA intends to meet with a selection of respondents either onsite in NALA offices in Ranelagh, Dublin 6 or online using GoToMeeting or Skype. The meeting will take no more than one hour and will provide respondents with an opportunity to further expand on answers provided in the questionnaire and demonstrate examples of elearning provision within a 45 minute time slot. The meeting will conclude with a 15 minute questions and answers session. Respondents should ensure their availability for this meeting during the week commencing 30 July.
NALA may not enter into discussions with all respondents and submission of a response does not guarantee further participation in this process.
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