Author: National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA), SOLAS, Education and Training Boards of Ireland (ETBI)
Background report – Implementation of Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Intellectual Disabilities in Adult Literacy Services
ETBI, NALA and SOLAS would like to acknowledge the immense work, collaboration and cooperation that went into all elements of this study, the production of this background report and accompanying case studies on the inclusion of adults with intellectual disabilities in the Adult Literacy Services.
NALA was commissioned to produce these guidelines, case studies and recommendations on the inclusion of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities on behalf of SOLAS and ETBI and engaged the research expertise of Bernie Grummell, Meliosa Bracken and Conor Magrath at the Centre for Research in Adult Learning and Education, Maynooth University as partners in delivering the resulting reports. We are grateful to the Chief Executives, Directors of Further Education and Training, Adult Education Organisers, Adult Literacy Organisers, Tutors, Resource Workers, Coordinators and all other staff in ETBs for facilitating and/or taking part in the research process.
We would like to acknowledge the generosity of all those who participated in this research. Their willingness to engage and rich contributions are a testament to their professionalism and commitment to best practice in the inclusion of adults with intellectual disabilities.
- Category:
- Literacy