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One in five adults in Ireland has unmet literacy needs. With your help, we can change this.

Literacy is a human right

1 in 5 adults* in Ireland struggle with reading and understanding information. Even more struggle with everyday maths. They may have difficulty with tasks such as filling in forms, reading a bus timetable, understanding bills or following instructions. This has a devastating impact on individuals, families and communities.

With your help we can change this.

*Adults aged 16-65. Source: Central Statistics Office (2024). Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) 2023.

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NALA needs your support

Our campaigns

Take the first step

Take the first step was a public information campaign that helps people who have difficulty with reading, writing, maths or technology.

The campaign featured real-life stories of people who returned to education to improve their skills, and encouraged others to contact the National Adult Literacy Agency for information on free courses.

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Two parents, holding a piece of paper each
Support our campaign

Vision for literacy

Vision for literacy was a proposed national framework for action to improve literacy levels in Ireland and to create a more equal society.

The aim was that everyone has the literacy skills to meet their needs, and that literacy is valued and supported at every level of society.

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