Webinar: Being literacy friendly – With Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre

Being literacy friendly with Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre

This webinar is now complete and can be watched back at the link below.

As community and voluntary groups and organisations you are a trusted source of information, advice and support in communities.

If people have unmet literacy numeracy or digital literacy needs, can they fully access your programmes and supports?

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre has decades of experience providing information, raising awareness and organising in literacy friendly ways.

Pavee Point has a deep analysis of the many literacy barriers facing the Traveller and Roma communities in Ireland.

In 2019, Pavee Point was recognised for its Pavee Mothers website and booklet by NALA at our Plain English awards.

Mary-Brigid Collins, Primary Health Care Project Coordinator and Mary Collins, Primary Health Care Worker will talk through their experience of providing support and information, and raising awareness about health issues through literacy friendly ways.

We will look at:

* What is literacy

* The link between literacy and inequality

* Pavee Point’s experience being literacy friendly

There is no fee for attending this webinar. Please register below.

Can’t make this webinar? Get in touch to book training for your group or organisation in 2023. Email Derv at dryan@nala.ie

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