NALA and Trinity College Numeracy Conference

NALA and Trinity College Numeracy Conference

09.30:  Registration and tea and coffee.

10.00:  Welcome – Damian Murchan, Head of School of Education, Trinity College Dublin

10.05:  Opening remarks – Aibhín Bray, Assistant Professor in Education, School of Education, Trinity College Dublin

10.10:  NALA update – Elaine Cohalan, Innovation Manager, NALA

10.20: Adult numeracy activity in the ETBs: Research summary of current practices and future development – Merrilyn Goos, Professor of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education, Director EPI STEM, National Centre for STEM Education, School of Education, University of Limerick

10.45: Making algebra work for you: Exploring structure to strengthen mathematical understanding – Dr Aisling Twohill, Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education, Institute of Education, Dublin City University

11.10: The impact of mathematics anxiety on the adult learner – Dr Maria D. Ryan, Lecturer in Business, School of Post Primary Education, Mary Immaculate College, Thurles, Co. Tipperary

11.30: Problem solving: Perspectives on cognitive load theory and scaffolding – Tony Sweeney, Maths Trainer (BA in Adult Education, Diploma in IT and Diploma in Marketing)

11.50:  Go to workshops. Workshops will run from 12pm to 1.30pm and from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm. You can attend one morning and one afternoon workshop:

12.00 – 1.30 Pre-lunch workshops:

A. Using GeoGebra to support our learners – Neil Butler, North Wicklow Educate Together Secondary School Please bring a laptop or tablet to this workshop

B. Strategies to solve mathematical problems using both practical and fun approaches – Tony Sweeney, Numeracy Trainer

C. Analysing errors and misconceptions in mathematics – Mark Prendergast, Lecturer in mathematics education, University College Cork

D. Numeracy for adult learners: Developing conceptual understanding and procedural fluency in context – Merrilyn Goos

E. Percentages, financial maths and growth patterns – Sheelagh Clowry, Maths Trainer

F. Helping adult learners overcome mathematics anxiety: The role of the tutor – Dr Maria D. Ryan

G. Balancing challenge and differentiation in mathematics teaching: Lessons from primary education – Seán Delaney, Registrar and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin

1.30 – 2.00 Lunch

2.00 – 3.30 Afternoon workshops:

H. Building a rapport and motivating students in maths teaching and learning – Elaine O’Brien and Sharon Doyle, Maths Teachers, Youthreach Blanchardstown, Dublin and Dun Laoghaire ETB

I. Using GeoGebra to support our learners – Neil Butler, North Wicklow Educate Together Secondary School Please bring a laptop or tablet to this workshop

J. Making statistics and data easier to understand – Eoin MacCuirc, Assistant Principal, Technology Division, Central Statistics Office

K. Analysing errors and misconceptions in mathematics – Mark Prendergast, Lecturer in mathematics education, University College Cork

L. Percentages, financial maths and growth patterns – Sheelagh Clowry, Maths Trainer

M. When am I ever going to use this? Understanding the need for algebra – Arlene Murphy, Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST)

Registration fee:

  • €30 if you or your organisation is a paid member of NALA.
  • €60 if you are not a member (or you are a ‘free member’ of NALA)

If the conference fee is difficult for you or your organisation to pay, please contact Fergus Dolan in NALA at

Register now

Date: March 5, 2020
Time: 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Location: School of Education, Trinity College Dublin

NALA and Trinity College Numeracy Conference


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