Tutors services
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Good practice in adult literacy work starts with the needs and interests of individuals. It is concerned with personal development and building confidence as well as technical skills of reading and writing.
For 40 years NALA has worked with students and tutors to develop new teaching methods and guidelines for good adult literacy work.
Check out our Tutors Information Hub for more information.
Workbooks for students
We have developed hundreds of teaching and learning resources for adult literacy tutors and students. Our aim is to provide resources that are practical, innovative and thought provoking. Prior to developing a resource we do research with adult literacy students and tutors to discover their needs, ideas and themes for resources.
Resources for tutors
Adult literacy teaching started in Ireland in the 1970s and differs from teaching in the formal education system. Literacy and numeracy programmes are individually tailored to meet each student’s needs. Students set their own goals and decide how they wish to learn. We provide guidelines for good adult literacy work and lots of useful resources for tutors.
Training and events
NALA offers training events and conferences for tutors and resource workers. At these events we try to share new initiatives and ideas in adult literacy practice nationally and internationally. Our main events are a National Forum for Adult Literacy Tutors, an ESOL conference, a Family Learning conference and a Numeracy conference.
Have you tried our Tutoring Service and Learn with NALA eLearning website?
Our Tutoring Service and e-learning website learnwithnala.ie will free up your time in the classroom. We can help you support your students with easy lesson plans and more. We can even do the paperwork for QQI accreditation at Level 2 and Level 3. There are no costs. Learn with NALA is funded by SOLAS, the further education and training authority. To date 12,000 people have received 42,000 national QQI qualifications with NALA.
Professional Development for tutors
Are you the tutor you always wanted to be? Need to add to your knowledge and skills? Choose one of our free online courses and start learning today.