What we do
We help people improve their literacy and numeracy
Since 2000, NALA has been using television, radio, print, telephones and the internet to provide educational opportunities to people who want to improve their literacy. We operate a Tutoring Service, providing tutor support over the phone and internet. We also manage an eLearning website www.learnwithnala.ie where people can have their skills assessed across a number of areas and then be prescribed an individual learning plan to improve these areas.

We raise awareness of literacy services
We raise awareness of literacy services through national awareness campaigns. We have produced eleven TV series in association with RTE and national TV, Radio and Cinema advertising campaigns. NALA operate a Freephone support line that is staffed by experienced operators who can identify callers’ needs and advise them on free services nationwide. This includes tuition in 120 local adult education centres based in Education and Training Boards (ETBs).
We advance adult literacy policy through research
We work in partnership with government departments, organisations, tutors and learners to advance adult literacy policy. This work is supported by evidence-based research which examines international best practice, reviews Irish policy and produces recommendations to support people with unmet literacy needs. Our policy work aims to influence Government policy and lobby for appropriate actions and funds to improve literacy and numeracy levels in Ireland.

We make approaches to teaching more effective
Good practice in adult literacy work starts with the needs and interests of individuals. It is concerned with personal development and building confidence as well as technical skills. For 40 years NALA has pioneered new teaching methods, developing guidelines for good adult literacy work and tutor training programmes. We provide tutor training, develop teaching materials, manage continuous professional development conferences, and integrate literacy in vocational training programmes.
We remove barriers to people with unmet literacy needs
We provide professional services to help organisations remove literacy-related barriers to customers accessing their services or to staff who may struggle with reading or writing. This includes a plain English service, literacy awareness training, advice on workplace basic education programmes, recruitment and training policies. Our service is about making sure that no one with an unmet literacy need is excluded from a service, from promotion or from other important decisions, because of their unmet literacy needs.

We represent adults with unmet literacy needs
We make sure the views and experience of adults with unmet literacy and numeracy needs are heard and taken into account by policy makers.
We make sure their views:
- give us further insights into adult literacy issues,
- guide and inform the quality of our work, and
- are heard and taken account by politicians and policy makers